Message from the President
In 2016, the University of Chicago celebrated the 125th anniversary of its founding. This occasion was a moment to reflect upon our enduring values: a commitment to free, open, and rigorous inquiry; the freedom to express ideas and opinions, and to conduct challenging scholarly and educational pursuits without interference or censorship; and the cultivation of a diverse and inclusive campus environment which embraces a multitude of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. Likewise, the anniversary was a moment to reflect upon our history and to consider how we renew and instantiate these values today and in the future.
The activities of the University and its faculty span an enormous range. This report outlines some achievements and progress in selected key areas over the past year, and some of the extraordinary philanthropic investments that made them possible. In addition, the report provides an update on the status of our endowment and financial results for the 2016 fiscal year. As we continue into the 2017 academic year, I would like to thank the faculty, students, staff, alumni, parents, and friends for their ongoing commitment and their dedication to and support of the values that have made the University of Chicago what it is today.
Robert J. Zimmer

President Robert J. Zimmer (Photo by Peter Kiar)